30 May 2008


The ultimate muse calling inside my own mind... iieee iieee iieee iieee


21 May 2008


so... we're down to this "finding yourself" conversation -yeah, again- SHE tells me i'm doing something wrong, she's sending HUGE signals but apparently i just don't notice them... i see a lot of "find yourself" signals nowadays...
first of all, Tori, she followed Scarlet's Walk, a Walk all through the Cherokee lands to LA, and back... she had found her roots... and you got no idea on how Scarlet's Walked has marked me... Then, i went to the movies today right? and i watched my blueberry nights... and figure out what was the movie about!? DAMN RIGHT! finding yourself! and it kinda marked me too... so i'm just confused about wot tha fuck am i doing here you know? i just found that i havent found myself... how pathetic... 19 years... and got no idea of what's he doing here... pathetic, people will say...
AVATARS... i guess i've taken too many without knowing about my own self, i've been the old good person, i've been the rebel, i've thought about things a lot, and i've been a real beast, i've been Apollo and Dyonisious, even Persephone or Pandora, i've been a car, a guitar and a piano, i've been red and i've been blue, the thing is that i never gave a chance to my own self to just come out and tell the people who i am, not trying to fit in anyone's bow... so... here we go with the "find yourself" thing... "know yourself" said the big door at the Oracle in Delphos... i guess it's not a bad idea after all... even though it's not as easy as it seems... people is always gathering around you to tell you wot you should be, wot's right for them, wot's right for their God, wot's right for their health... but you know... sometimes, when you think you're kinda part of something you ain't really... so why don't we just stop caring about people? you know, is like when you're on a diet bc you have to give an organ, like a kidney or something to a relative or something like your bro or si... well, you quit smoking, you take a lot of things that will ensure your body so you don't die the day you give the thing to that person.. well, months and months of being this person you are not, because you really want to take a freaking smoke, and you really want to drink a freaking martini... and you dont... cuz you have to take care of your body... then, after months you figure out that your blood type is not O, but B+ and holy shit... it's fucked up you're not compatible... and fuck the world then! if i'm not compatible with a freakin stone i dont care! i dont want to be compatible with anyone you know? i just want to be compatible with the infinity... i want to be compatible with the universal, with my music, with HER music... with all the scents, the tastes and the textures that i feel when i'm writing, when i'm playing...
today i stayed for a while at the piano, it really made me feel good, i played those keys... such a sad song came out, now forgotten...
and i think... i'm really into the "finding myself" thing... Scarlet made a big big walk through the americas... Lizzie did the same in this movie (my blueberry nights), well, i dont have the money, nor the time, nor the americas... but i do have something... i'm planning to take a big walk inside myself, i want to write a diary... maybe one day, writing, i will find myself, it's my last resort... pray for it...
-and then SHE prayed for me... and disappeared just as SHE came...-

20 May 2008

They say i change a lot

They say i change my hair as much as i change my socks
while i'm reading about you, i try to reach my own avatar
figuring how the erotic muse has come to terms with her man.
The God behind your God has come to tell me you're not right
in the neverending ambition of Samael, Saklas, blind as your own being
there's a moment when you're gone when my 50 thousand hearts
begin to rush in the wall, i choose the purple one...
Victory is her name and she comes with Sophia to illuminate my path
knowledge is the first key of the piano i fight so hard to play
the one that's in your soul, the one that's in my hand...
they say i change a lot...

14 May 2008


WOOOO, intenso, intenso, éxtasis!!! jajaja, para todos los que hayan amado TWILIGHT igual que yo ahi les va un pedacito de felicidad!!! XD


13 May 2008

Feel like Writing?

Hey a todos! ps nada, fue una dura semana, por eso tiene rato que no escribo, mi corto salio un poco mal (un poco! JA!) pelee con mi equipo, solucione las cosas con el equipo (desgraciadamente quien sabe si tambien con la amistad), hice tareas, edite un video (que no quedo taaan mal) aprendi a grabar voz en mi lap (que proximamente me servira para hacer podcasts rudimentarios, esperenlos en el blog pronto!) y pues estuve en la escuela la mayor parte del tiempo con mis amigos, nuevas personas que entraron en mi vida (new season, remember) y con las que me la paso tremendo!
anyway... fue una semana dificil, la verdad me entusiasma mucho esta idea del podcast, imaginense, podrian escuchar mi hermosa voz (yeah right!) y seria mucho más facil que pensar en que escribir, solo saldria directo de mi XD
bueno pues solo pasaba por aqui, a tratar de justificar mi falta de escritura a los pocos que se siguen dando una vuelta por aca... y pues... ya... hoy no me quejare... solo dire que tengo muchas ganas de fumar, tomar y quedar super wasted en el piso de alguien...
nos vemos pronto!
PD yo se que prometi una reseña del zero fest, pero ya paso mucho tiempo XD, worthless...

2 May 2008

Dia de grabación

I feel like I have a hangover, without all the happy memories and mystery bruises.
- Ellen DeGeneres
Con otra frase de mi segunda comediante favorita de EUA comienzo este post, la verdad es que exactamente asi me siento después de ir a la grabación de un corto (del cual escribi el guion, gracias). 9 horas de grabación aproximadamente (incluyendo debrayes, peleas, hostilidades, gritos, nerviosismo, etc) con actores super sacados de la manga (Mil gracias Juan Carlos por echarme la mano, neta nos salvaste la vida, igual mil gracias a Danielita y a Janet, responsable de llevar a nuestra actriz principal, ademas muchisisisisimas gracias a la mama de Sunny por su aparicion especial en la que la neta se rifo con su actuación y nos dejo sorprendidos a todos con uno de los dialogos mas largos del guion que le salio suuuper perfecto, la amamos, la amamos!).
bueno, en fin, mañana nos espera otro largo dia de grabacion en el que espero terminemos YA!!! y pues espero tambien que haya mas suerte, menos hostilidades y mas que nada que nos salga mucho mejor que ahora!
un abrazo a todos los que siguen leyendo k no son muchos lo se, pero que siguen aqui